TAGUMAGEN RED 1/4 is a manga im working on about a boy named Refugo Rojo on his journey to become the greatest figher in the world, should be an easy, strightforward, cookie-cutter. strong boi, shonen manga right?

At this time I'm working on editing and adding text to the prequel issues. A three chapter tale of Refugo's father Lion Rojo, his mother, Ishiki and his aunt Sa'vi, their collective fates tie into who Refugo shall become. I made this on paper during my last few days of high school and am editing scans digitally while trying to maintain a hand drawn feel and not have any of my didital edits create a tonal whiplash, I've been waiting for a chance to tell this story since middle school when I first came up with the idea so I just want to meet my expectations when making it. I will post digital versions of the comic for free maybe here and definetly on webtoon and I'll announce when physical copies will be availabe for sale.

BTW I'm gonna be holding back alot of information because I'm gonna drop information as they are revealed in the comic so until that happens enjoy minimal description. ;b